Do you feel a bit more tense and stressed in the colder winter months? Yes, well chances are it is caused by sore joints, or a feeling of tightness in the muscles, or stress from day-to-day living. Some people may also suffer from arthritis which usually feels worse in the cooler months. People may also…

Glucose Monitoring-Is It Really That Helpful? I am often asked as a Credentialled Diabetes Educator by individuals who are diagnosed with diabetes if they really need to monitor their glucose levels. It is, of course very important for those with type 1 diabetes (whether they choose blood glucose monitoring or continuous glucose monitoring) However, for…

Diabetes and COVID – How Do I Best Look After Myself? While people with diabetes can face additional health challenges, it is important to remember the risk of getting very sick from COVID-19 is likely to be lower if your diabetes is well-managed. Australia’s peak diabetes organisations are encouraging all Australian adults with diabetes to…

From the 23 November 2021, the SA Government will be opening up national and international borders to fully vaccinated travellers. In this phase of living with COVID-19, it is expected that COVID-19 cases in SA will increase. Integrative Health Solutions has developed a plan for “Living with COVID” in response to the guidance provided by…

The humble bliss ball has become a household favourite for many of my patients who often look for that little pick me up around 3pm each day. Instead of reaching for something less nutritious like chocolate or a bag or chips why don’t you have a go at something a little tastier. As we know,…

Diabetes Education – What Is It and How Can It Help Me? When you are first diagnosed with diabetes there is much to learn! There are also many people willing to give advice around how they, their family members, and friends they know manage their diabetes! Diabetes is a very personal journey that requires time,…

Diabetes – How can podiatry help? “Diabetes is one of the biggest challenges for Australia’s Health Care System. Podiatrists have a huge role to play in the prevention and management of diabetes related foot complications. Click the link to find out what the role of a podiatrist is in Diabetes Management” Diabetes is a disease…

Hypnosis for Trypanophobia or Needle Phobia It may be of interest to talk about this topic during these times where people are being asked to consider the Covid and flu vaccinations. A fear of Injections or Trypanophobia is a extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections and hypodermic needles Treatment of a needle phobia can…

Generally we’re always worrying about what to put in the kids lunchboxes and whilst I know that’s important what about us? What about our lunchboxes? Unfortunately these aren’t appropriate for most kids lunchboxes, unless they’re in high school where there’s more flexibility in what they can take, but for us as working parents sometimes we…

We are pleased to welcome Dr Ashley Nattrass to the practice and our local community. Dr Nattrass has recently moved to Belair from sunny Queensland and is super excited to join our team. He will enhance our ability to provide conventional general practice services to the local community and our existing patients. Dr Nattrass is…