A letter from the Cherington Therapeutic Garden Diana Bickford dbickford@westnet.com.au Spring is here and the Garden is coming to life again after the slow growth time of winter. Once a month we hold a special Morning in the Garden we call it – Conversations and Q & A Each month has its seasonal gardening focus…

Probiotics vs Prebiotics Sonia Tzerefos Adv.Dip Nat, Dip Nut, Adv.Dip WHM (Western Herbal Medicine), Credentialed Practitioner Life Coaching Having spent a good six months of 2023 studying gut health, probiotics, prebiotics and how they’re linked to a plethora of health conditions I’ve learnt that knowing what’s going on in your gut is the key to…

Travelling with Diabetes – What do I need to Think About? Kirrily Chambers Pharmacist (B Pharm) CDE Adv Diploma Nut Pharm, Grad. Dip. App. Pharm. Prac After spending so long not travelling (especially overseas) it is fantastic we are now able to enjoy the benefits of time once again with family and friends going on…

Semaglutide (Ozempic)- Lets Weigh In Kirrily Chambers Pharmacist (B Pharm) CDE Adv Diploma Nut Pharm, Grad. Dip. App. Pharm. Prac What is Semaglutide? Semaglutide (Ozempic) is a once-a-week injection that helps individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes manage glucose levels. It belongs to a class of medicines called the GLP1 receptor agonists which help…

We listened to you … and we are improving patient care At Integrative Health Solutions we carried out a patient survey (the Practice Accreditation and Improvement Survey) and asked for your honest opinions on the service we provide. We listened to your concerns and have taken the following actions in order to make improvements to…

Beating the Winter Blues with Hypnotherapy Silvana Forlini, MC Counsellor & Psychotherapist Clinical Hypnotherapist Winter can be a very difficult time for many. Whether it’s the dark mornings and evenings, looking after sick children, fighting low temperatures, or spending too much time indoors, it seems like winter is the season when many people feel “blue”….

The practice is pleased to offer our patients greater flexibility and availability, by extending our clinic hours from the 1st August 2023. The clinic will now be open for appointments from: Monday – Friday: 7:30am – 8:30pm Saturday: 8:00am – 4:00pm On the day appointments are guaranteed with our family GP’s and urgent appointments are…

The Gut Microbiome What is the gut microbiome? The term Gut Microbiome is being used more frequently in health and nutrition circles but what does it mean, and should I be concerned about it? The Gut Microbiome is the collection of organisms that inhabit the human digestive tract and can include bacteria, archaea, fungi…

AutoMed We are excited to have now switched to AutoMed from Health Engine, for our online booking system. This means that we can better provide and expand the services offered to our patients, more safely. To begin, download the AutoMed app to your smart phone. For apple users follow this link and for android uses,…

VALE Dr Margaret Taylor It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dr Margaret Taylor. Dr Taylor was South Australia’s first nutritional and environmental doctor and has served as a teacher and mentor to many doctors and podiatrists throughout the southern hemisphere, including several of our own practitioners. She will be greatly…